
In creating this blog, I hope to share with other like-minded people my interest in observing and intuiting earth changes, such as earthquakes and other natural activity, before they may occur.
Instead of using the words prophecy, prediction and/or pre-empting, I tend to use the word ‘feeling’ or ‘feelings’ to describe the inklings I get regarding potential earthquakes and other earthly events.
Since I was a small child my intuition and feelings prior to numerous earthly ‘events’ were confirmed as time passed. Now, I am not always correct. I am no great wise one with infinite abilities to foresee events.
I hope to post interesting links, Youtube videos and my own observations/feelings regarding earthquakes, volcanoes and such.
One thing I'd like to add here, is that I am aware that some earthquake and other natural events can adversely affect many people and their communities. So whatever I add to this blog is not for reasons of sensationalism or for satisfaction of confirmation of any 'feelings' I may have about events. I always am considerate and empathetic to/of the impact of such things.
Please feel free to send me links of interest or comment on my own content.
So, those of you who find my blog, I hope you enjoy visiting here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 2013 part 3 of 3

The last couple of weeks of June 2013 may experience movements of varying magnitudes in some of the following locations/regions;

The Atlantic regions may see some more activity, up and through to the north of the Atlantic Ocean. The culprits here may be the plate edges and trenches. Offshoots of this disturbance may be EQ's/tremors radiating out to near coastlines, on coastlines and just inland of  the north-east of South America, the British Virgin Islands and nearby island chains, ESE and maybe east of the US, west of the British Isles, Spain/Portugal, near Equatorial Guinea (Gulf of Guinea), Liberia, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Funchal Islands, Iceland, Greenland, east of New Foundland (Canada) and maybe up further past east/north of Greenland. And the South Sandwich Islands.

The Pacific may become active or experience more EQ's/tremors in the following regions;

The regions associated with Japan, Santa Cruz Islands/Fiji/Vanuatu/PNG/New Caledonia/Solomons/etc., Hawaii, Kamchatka (Russia), the Aleutian chain Alaska), down the west coast for South America (Chile and Argentina [inland], Mexico/down to Panama, the Easter Island region and the Southern reaches of the Pacific (plates), New Zealand (both North and South Islands) particularly NE of the North Island and maybe NW of the North Island.

The Antarctic region 

Way below the South Sandwich Islands, south of south/centralAustralia coast, south of Tasmania, south of the South Island of New Zealand.
A volcano in Antarctica may become more active (due south of the South sandwich Islands).

The Indian Ocean and the very north in the Arabian Sea

Madagascar, NE coast of Africa, NE of Somalia,  near Karachi, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, west of India, near the Maldives, Andaman islands (Bay of Bengal), eastern Bay of Bengal, south of Padang, Bandung and maybe Banda Aceh.

Some, none or many of these regions may come up with a mild or moderate EQ/tremor.
I feel that the east coast of Japan, the Santa Cruz Islands, NW of Australia, west coast of South America, west coast of the US and the Atlantic may be the regions to watch for some moderate movements.I still feel there may be a movement in the Atlantic or Pacific which may cause some sea behaviour issues.

These are all just feelings and some of the above is rather predictable when considering recent movements.

Peace to all.


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