North America –
The regions
surrounding California, along the
coast and the mountain ranges (Yosemite National
Park and Death Valley) running ‘parallel’ with the coast, inland, have been
experiencing M1’s, M2’s in various places. M1’s and the odd M2 will continue to
pop up along these regions. All of this must be rather unnerving for those
living in the California
If you imagine
an ‘L’ shape, from Washington/Montana, down to Utah/Arizona – then east across
and including states such as Colorado, Kansas/Oklahoma, Missouri/Arkansas,
Kentucky/Tennessee/Mississippi through to Virginia – there seems to be
occurrences of M1’s, M2’s and the occasional M3. This pattern will probably
continue – with the M’s popping up in these states sporadically.
I still have a
mild feeling about Florida,
maybe partially towards Cuba.
Heading into Mexico/Gulf of California, there may be
more M2+’s in this region.
Between Guadalajara and
City, there may be an m3+.
Between Guatemala
and Costa Rica, there may be an M3+.
Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico region may
feel an M3+.
South America –
Antofagasta and
Santiago (Chile)
(and well south of), Peru/Ecuador,
western Bolivia – may experience M2+’s
and/or M3++’s.
I’m getting a
renewed feeling for Colombia
for an M3++.
Pacific islands –
The Solomon’s, Bismarck Sea region (PNG), Vanuatu,
Mariana/Guam, Fiji and Tonga
may experience more M3+’s.
New Zealand –
South Island – perhaps an M3
in both the north and south of the island. There could be a mild possibility of
an M3+ south of the South Island, at sea.
North Island
– may again experience an M3+ NE of the island; maybe also east of Wellington. South of Auckland, inland, may feel
an M3, but this is not a strong feeling at the moment.
Australia –
Canberra; south east of NSW
(off coast); SE Victoria; Bass Strait; south of Adelaide (at sea) and North West of Western Australia (well south of Denpasar (Bali) are sticking a bit with me for
potential M2’s and an M3+ (for NW of WA).
Indonesia –
The south/west
side of Sumatra
may again experience an M3++.
The Java Sea
region may see an M3+.
The Cocos Islands
region may be a surprise M3+??
Salawesi and the Banda
Sea (including the Moluccas islands) regions
may experience M3+’s.
The Celebes Sea is
drawing me to it just slightly for an M3+.
Philippines –
East may
experience an M3+
Taiwan –
May experience
an m3+ and maybe north east of Taiwan,
near Naha Island.
Japan –
Maybe east of Tokyo, an M3+? And
north/east of northern Japan.
Kuril Islands,
towards the lower tip of Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia), may experience an M4+
Alaska and the Aleutian
islands –
Alaska, mainland,
will continue to rumble with M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3. M1+’s may continue to
track inland (northish). Central Alaska may
feel another M2++.
The northern
region of the Gulf of Alaska may experience an
Russia –
Russia and central south may experience an M3’ish.
Kamchatka (as
mentioned above) may see another M3+.
Hawaii –
Will continue
to experience M1’s and M2’s. Another M3 (+?) may be felt.
China –
Has been
thankfully ‘quiet’ so far. Though an M3+ may pop up in the far west and south
Afghanistan –
May experience
an M3++.
Pakistan –
Maybe southern Pakistan and north with the border of Afghanistan
– M3’ish
Iran –
North western
region may see an M3+ (near the Caspian Sea).
Maybe the
Iran/Iraq border too.
Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan border may see an m2+ (+?).
Turkey –
Will continue
to rumble with M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3 (maybe +)
Romania –
May experience
another M3
Serbia/Bulgaria –
Possibly an M3
Poland an
Greece –
Greece may be visited by an M3+ and the odd m2. The Mediterranean Sea may see another M3 (+?)
Italy –
May feel
another M2+ and maybe an M3+.
Spain and Portugal may feel an M2+ and M3+
respectively. (Canary
North and South Atlantic may see an m3+.
Indian Ocean
ridge/trench may surprise with an M3+
Greenland Sea –
Only a mild
feeling for this region for an m3+
Sandwich Islands –
May feel an M3.
Easter Island –
Is still
‘sticking’ with me a bit for an m3+.
Canada –
The Yukon may see another M2
and maybe an M2+. Off the coast of British
Columbia may feel an M3+.
This is a
substantial list again, and I have probably left out a couple of regions. My ‘radar’
has been a bit off today and yesterday, due to an anaesthetic for dental work :)
Again, these M’s
are only feelings and not predictions. So, I may be quite wrong with some of
them and some may not occur at all.
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