"Do Not Disturb Snail" by BoazYiftach
This list completed on Tuesday 20th November, 2pm Melbourne time, 2012.
Remember, these are not predictions of actual events,
they are just ‘feelings’ of where ‘energies’ may be focused. I could be correct,
very wrong or even miss a region.
I hope for all communities to be safe.
North America
Washington State, M1's, 2's? and maybe an M3 (+)?
West of Grants Pass (coast) ?may feel an M3+
East and west Fresno
may experience an M3+.
St Helens (north of Vancouver)
and maybe Astoria
may feel an M2+(+?)
Yakima (east of Mt. Rainier N/P) is also drawing me to it for
some reason (M2+?)
Near Seattle
may see an M3+ (mild feeling)
North/west of Portland,
Oregon (towards/off shore?)
South/west of Coos
Bay (off/near shore) (lower west end
of Washington State) M3+?
West/south/west of Eureka
may come up with an M3+(+?) near/off shore
Maybe between Redding
and Red Bluff and M2+(+?)
Mt Rainier, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Sequoia, (maybe) Big Bend, (maybe
near) Great Smoky Mountains National Parks and Angeles National Forest – may feel
Dotted between Brawley and Ontario (along ranges) M1’s, 2’s and the odd
Maybe N/W of the Salton Sea
and M3+
The east coast, around New Jersey,
New York City to Maine may feel an M2+(?),
Arkansas/Tennessee/Mississippi border region may feel an
Fort Worth, Texas region perhaps an M2(+?).
Nevada may come up with an M3(+?)
Colorado may feel an M3(+)?
Also maybe; west of Redding, north of Santa Rosa, San
Francisco Bay area, west of Monterey an M2(+?)
Maybe N/W, near to and S/E (along the ranges) of the Pinnacles National Monument – M2’s and maybe an
odd M2+(+?).
Repeat: For some reason the beach line (land) areas
running around Michigan and Wisconsin are drawing me towards it, in that very
general area, for maybe an M2(+?). I am not talking about tsunami/floods.
“If you imagine an ‘L’ shape, from
Washington/Montana, down to Utah/Arizona – then east across and including
states such as Colorado, Kansas/Oklahoma, Missouri/Arkansas,
Kentucky/Tennessee/Mississippi through to Virginia and curving up through the
states to Maine – there seems to be occurrences of M1’s, M2’s and the
occasional M3. This pattern will probably continue – with the M’s popping up in
these states sporadically” .Sentir La Terre 2012 (I am going to leave this in each post, I
feel it is relevant).
Central America
Regions which may feel an M2+ or M3+;
* Gulf of California and
on Pacific side.
* Mexico west coast – near Guadalajara, Salina Cruz,
Manzanillo, Oaxaca, Island of Socorro, Mexico City maybe an M2(++?)
* Guatemala,
El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua,
Honduras and Panama (south
of David/Santiago District?)
* The islands between the British Virgin Islands and Trinidad and Tobago
may feel and M3?
Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico/British
Virgin Islands/Haiti/Cayman islands
May feel an M2+(+?)
South America
Dotted down the west coast of South America may see more
M3+’s - Columbia, Ecuador,
Peru, Chile, Bolivia
Chile – near Santiago, San Antonio, west of Reserva Nacional
Las Guaitecas (which is well west of Coyhaique, down the west coast) and maybe
west of the southern tip of South America – M2+(+?)’s
The Bolivia
/Peru border region (La Paz?) and/or central may
feel an m3+. And, maybe west of La Paz
along the coast.
North/west of Lima,
Peru, maybe an
Maybe in the Galapagos Islands
region an M3+
Venezuela may feel an M3+
(South Sandwich Islands
may feel an M3+)
Argentina may come up with an M3+ again. Maybe near Salta (westish)
Maybe south of Concepcion
(coast or off coast) M3+
Maybe east of Rio Grande
do Norte and Rio de Janeiro
(ridge?) an M3+
Maybe north/east of French Guiana
(off shore/ridge/trench) M3+
Canada (repeat + more)
The Yukon and British Columbia may see an M2+ and maybe an M3+ near the
Gulf of Alaska.
Offshore Vancouver
may see an M3+
Between Ottowa and Montreal,
maybe an M3?
Maybe M2+ S/W of Rimouski,
towards Riviere-du-Loup (waterway)
St. Lawrence and maybe the Gulf of
St. Lawrence may feel an M2+
The Queen Charlotte Islands
region may continue to feel M’s ranging from M2 to M2+(+?)
Maybe east of New Foundland and Labrador,
possibly a ridge ?M3+(?)
Pacific islands
The Coral Sea, below the Solomon Sea/southwest of the Solomon Islands,
maybe an M3+(+?)
Most of the Pacific
Islands may continue to
experience some M3's and/or more of the M3+(+?)’s.
Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, PNG, Nendo Island region, east of
San Cristobal Island, south of New Britain Island, American Samoa, and maybe
the Marshall Islands.
Maybe east of New
Caledonia?, M3+
West Papua (Indonesia) an M3+?
The Bismarck Arch may come up with an M3+
The triangle region between New Caledonia/ Vanuatu/Solomon’s may see an
South and east of Guam, and the Northern Marianna
Islands regions may feel
an M3+
Wallis and Fortuna
Island is drawing me to
near the region (mild feeling) M2+(+?)
Tahiti/Pitcairn/Easter Islands
Easter Island may see an M3+
and Pitcairn may feel an M3 (but a very mild feeling only)
New Zealand (repeat)
The North and South islands may continue to feel M1’s,
M2’s and the odd M3.
Christchurch regions will continue to feel M2’s, 1’s and the odd M3.
There may be M2's and maybe an M3+? on the sth west side
of the South Island and south of the Sth
Maybe in the region of Nelson Lakes
National Park and M2+
North east of the North Island
may see an M3+?
The regions surrounding Rotorua and Taupo may rumble with
M2’s, the odd M3 and maybe an M3+.
South of Wellington may feel an M2++
The lower half of the east coast of the North Island may
have M2+'s dotted along the land and maybe well south/east of Waipukurau - just
In the 'triangle' region between Tauranga/Taupo/Gisbourne,
there may be M1's, M2's and the odd M3 (+?).
The Kermadec
Islands may come up with
another M3(+)
For some reason I am being drawn to the north/western tip
of the North Island, maybe at sea.
Australia (repeat + more)
The south, south/east and west of Oz may continue to feel
M2’s and the odd M3.
Western Australia, the Northern Territory, South
Australia, Victoria and New South Wales may feel the odd M2 (+?)
The region north of the Northern
Territory, between it and Indonesia
- in the Timor Sea, could be the surprise
place of movement I mentioned I was
feeling in an earlier post. This region above Australia, where the EQ's have been
occuring, feels like it (movement) may gravitate down towards the Australian
Just maybe the central region of Northern Territory may come up with an M3
Well west of Perth
(ridge/trench) may show an M4(+?)
Due south of Tasmania (towards Macquarie Island) and due
south of the Western Australia and South Australia border may come up with an
M3+(+?) (trench/ridge)
West of Tasmania/due south of Adelaide (at sea) maybe a trench/ridge an
North/east of Tasmania
(at sea) is still sticking with me for some reason???? M3’ish
Link below to the Australian Geoscience website, for you
to look at all the current tremors felt around Australia.
Indonesia (repeat + more)
That line I keep referring to from the South China, Sulu,
Celebes, Banda, Molucca and Timor Seas (into the Indonesian regions) is still
sticking with me as a zone of ‘pressure’ – which could mean more M4+’s. This
appears to be an ongoing movement.
(south of) near Christmas Island may come up
with an M3+
The coastline/at sea from Aceh, down to near Ulubelu
(including the Sumatran regions) may be prone to some more movement of the odd
M3+(+?) nature.
The Cocos Islands region
is ‘ringing a bell’ for me for some reason????
Papua M3+
The Ternate
Islands region, maybe an
Well south of Denpasar (100’s of kilometers) at sea an M3+(+?)
Just a note (22/11/12). I mentioned that I felt the region below Bali/Dempasar may come up with an M3+? this week (around now) and an M5 has occurred at sea, which I anticipated it might. I hope the lovely peoples of Bali and their community haven't been adversely impacted by this latest movement.
Maybe west of Malaysia, the Andaman Sea M3(?)
Andaman and Nicobar
Maybe nearby an m3+(?)
As per “South China, Sulu, Celebes, Banda, Molucca and Timor Seas”
mentioned above. (East of Luzon/Quezon at sea? M3?)
The Philippine Sea, east of the Philippines may
experience an M3+(+?)
Maybe east of Davao M3(+?)
Maybe east and west of Quezon, ?M3(+)
Maybe east of Samar
Islands and m3+(+?).
May experience an M3+ maybe east and/or south/east of Taiwan, and north east towards Naha.
Japan and Islands (repeat)
The cluster of Volcanic islands may feel M3+’s in some
East of Honshu, Morioka, Tokyo, Fukushima and maybe Kagoshima may feel an M3+(+?)
The Kurils may feel an M3+?
Way east of Sapporo
(plate boundary) may feel an M3+?
Bonin Islands may feel an M3+
The Kuril
Island regions may feel
renewed movement of M3(+?)
Mild feeling for the border with Laos – M? and maybe east of Nah
Trang (in South China Sea)
Alaska and the Aleutian islands
Gulf and up through the mainland (north running) may
continue to feel M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3.
I am getting a mild feeling for the Gulf
of Alaska (sea) for an M3+(+?)
The islands along the Aleutians (including Rat Islands) may feel an M2, M2+ and maybe an M3+?
Northern Alaska may see an M3(+?).
M3+? Border with Russia
and the border with China
(south central).
South central, south east, east and west may feel an M3.
South central? May feel an M3+?
South west, above Georgia an M3(+?)
Kamchatka may feel another M3+. This region is resonating with me
for more than one movement.
Komandorskiye Ostrova Region, an M5.2 on 22/11/12
I am also being drawn to the region surrounding St. Petersburg, M?
The Sea
of Okhotsk may experience
an M3(+?)
The Laptev Sea may
experience an M3+(+?) (mild feeling)
Maybe near Sakhalin an
May continue to feel M1’s, M2’s and perhaps an M3 (+?).
East/south/east, south east, central south and west may
feel an M3(+?)
Including regions? – Xingjian,
Yunnan, Guangxi,
Qinghai and near Taiwan.
Still a mild feeling of an M3+
Towards the west – near (Myanmar
border with Andaman
Sea maybe an M3+)
Central Myanmar may experience an M3+(+?)
West, central and north/east maybe an m3, M3(+?)
Maybe near Kabul
and south with Pakistan (???)
The Hindu Kush region
may continue to experience movement of M3+(+?)
North east, south and border with Afghanistan an M3, M3(+?)
Maybe central Pakistan an M3+(+?)
Near the coast with Arabian Sea an M3(+?)
Maybe near the coastal border with Iran an M3(+?)
North, south and east maybe an M3+
Maybe border with Iraq an m3+
West and north maybe an M3(+?)
Maybe an M3+
Border maybe an M3+
Maybe near the Caspian Sea and with the border with Georgia
M3 (?)
Maybe south/west, south/east and central south, M3(+?)
M2 and M3 scattered across region.
Maybe an M3+?
Maybe near Adana, Antalya and central Turkey M+ (?)
Regions around Rhodes, Izmir,
Malatya, Ankara
for example.
Maybe near the border with Romania M3 (mild feeling atm)
Region – M3(?)
May experience M1's, M2's and an M3(+?)
M3 and maybe an M3+
M1, M2, Finland
maybe the border with Russia
?M3, and M3 respectively
M1? Mild feeling only.
M2 (east)
M2’s, maybe an M3(+?)
Kingdom, Ireland and Scotland
North UK an M2 ? The English Channel
region may continue to experience M2’s and maybe an M2+(+?). On land, there may
be small movements of M1 and/or M1+?
Ireland M1? Maybe west of Ireland (ridge/trench) M?
Scotland M1 and maybe an M2(+)?
Iceland and Jan
Mayen Islands
Maybe an m3 or M3+
Greenland Sea? M3+, maybe south west and north west, ridge.
Southern, central and Islands M2’s and the odd M3. Maybe
an M3+ in south.
maybe an M3 (+?)
The surrounding seas (a couple) may experience the odd M3
Dodecanese Islands may continue to experience M1’s, 2’s and maybe the odd
Southern Italy maybe M2’s and the odd M3(+?)...could be wrong
Spain and Portugal
Flores, near Lisbon, Gibraltar, Saragossa/Barcelona, Funchal and Canary
Islands regions, maybe M2”s and odd M3(+?)
The Canary islands may experience
an M3(+?), if not now (next 7 days), maybe in the next couple of weeks?
South west of Portugal
- ridge (Azores?) M3(+?)
North and South, Mid Atlantic ridges and/or
May see M4++’s.
Pacific Seas
South, Central and North Pacific ridges/trenches m3++
Southern Ocean
Maybe well below South America and/or south/east of New Zealand
– M4(+?)
Arctic Ocean
North east (and east) of Greenland M4+?
Indian Ocean
Well west of Australia ridge/trench maybe M3+’s
South/east and east of Madagascar
and Madagascar
itself maybe an m3+
Maybe south of India M3+
Central Indian Ocean, M3(+?)
Maybe west of India, north of the Arabian Sea an M3+(+?)
Greenland and Greenland
North east and east of Greenland M3+
South/east of Greenland M3(+?)
Norwegian Sea
Again west of Norway (ridge/trench) M3+
Arabian Sea
North of (?) and south/west of Sri Lanka M3+(?)
Bulgaria/Serbia/Bosnia and Herzegovina
M2 (+?), M2+ and M2+(+?) respectively.
May continue to feel the odd M2, M2+ and/or even an
Between Romania
and Ukraine
Ukraine/Belarus border
South M2 and maybe an M3(+?)
Maybe M2+’s for France, possibly an M3+
An M2(+?) for Germany
or near its border with Poland
and/or France.
Maybe near Munich.
Austria? may see an M1+
Southern end of India and maybe central – M3(+?)
region) – M3(+?)
Maybe north near Pakistan border M?
For some reason I am being drawn to Madhya Pradesh
(central, slightly north), M?
Africa (repeat - mild feelings only)
Regions of, Red Sea (Eritrea), Nigeria, Somalia,
Tanzania, South Africa, Gabon, Liberia, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Morocco and Western Sahara may feel M2 (++?)’s. Some of these regions
may not come up, but I have some feelings for these regions.
Mild feeling for due south of South Africa (ridge/trench) M3+?
Saudi Arabia/Yemen/Oman/Egypt
Saudi Arabia - (west) M3?
Yemen – S/E? M3
Oman – S/E M2+?
Egypt – north/east M2+?
Slovakia/Czech Republic
M1, M2+’s (maybe an M3+) - respectively
Near border with Hungary?? M2+(+?)
Antarctica (repeat)
Western region (coast) (situated far west/south/west of
the lowest tip of South America) M3+?
(Southern Ocean)
Antarctic coast well due south of South Island of New
Zealand M3? (+?).
Due south of eastern Australia, near M3+?