
In creating this blog, I hope to share with other like-minded people my interest in observing and intuiting earth changes, such as earthquakes and other natural activity, before they may occur.
Instead of using the words prophecy, prediction and/or pre-empting, I tend to use the word ‘feeling’ or ‘feelings’ to describe the inklings I get regarding potential earthquakes and other earthly events.
Since I was a small child my intuition and feelings prior to numerous earthly ‘events’ were confirmed as time passed. Now, I am not always correct. I am no great wise one with infinite abilities to foresee events.
I hope to post interesting links, Youtube videos and my own observations/feelings regarding earthquakes, volcanoes and such.
One thing I'd like to add here, is that I am aware that some earthquake and other natural events can adversely affect many people and their communities. So whatever I add to this blog is not for reasons of sensationalism or for satisfaction of confirmation of any 'feelings' I may have about events. I always am considerate and empathetic to/of the impact of such things.
Please feel free to send me links of interest or comment on my own content.
So, those of you who find my blog, I hope you enjoy visiting here.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13th - next 7 days

Due to being sidelined with a flu type bug, which has left me feeling really 'off' 'radar' wise, I am not going to do a complete new list for this week. But...the last two posts will be the ones to refer to for the rest of this week.
My feelings about Alaska were accurate, unfortunately. I kept getting drawn to the exact location which has been experiencing rather large and consistent movements (quake and aftershocks). This movement may translate (radiate) to the regions near the Gulf - such as the nearby islands and maybe the mainland.
There has, sadly, been loss of life with some of the larger quakes which have occurred in the last week. My sympathies to those communities.
We may see some of the inland U.S. states popping up with some M2+(+'s).
On the African continent, the northern coastlines regions may experience some movement of M2+(+?) nature.
Offshore Vancouver, Canada (region) may feel an M3+(?).
S/W of Eureka (U.S) offshore maybe an M3+(+?).
Maybe west of Portland (Oregon) offshore an M3+(+?) 
Maybe west of San Diego offshore, an M3+(+?) 
Being drawn to Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia regions - M2++(?) - curving up through to Virginia.
Myanmar has not settled. More M3++?'s may occur
Maybe S/E of Bali, at sea, an M3+(+?)
Maybe west of the Chile/Peru border, offhore, an M3+(?)
Maybe W/S/W of the Sth Island of New Zealand, at sea, an M3+(+?). Wellington region? M3(+?)
Maybe west of Vanuatu/south of the Solomons, at sea, an M3+(?)
Maybe south of Pakistan/west of India, at sea/offshore, an M3+(+?) 
Between Japan and Kamchatka, M3+(+?'s)

Britain experienced an M2+, as I felt it might. I was speculating a region with an "L" in the name. Very vague, I know, but the English Channel has had what the British Geological Survey has described as explosions.....? This may continue.

I will add more when I can get my little old brain working properly ;)

Anyway, peace and safety to all.

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