
In creating this blog, I hope to share with other like-minded people my interest in observing and intuiting earth changes, such as earthquakes and other natural activity, before they may occur.
Instead of using the words prophecy, prediction and/or pre-empting, I tend to use the word ‘feeling’ or ‘feelings’ to describe the inklings I get regarding potential earthquakes and other earthly events.
Since I was a small child my intuition and feelings prior to numerous earthly ‘events’ were confirmed as time passed. Now, I am not always correct. I am no great wise one with infinite abilities to foresee events.
I hope to post interesting links, Youtube videos and my own observations/feelings regarding earthquakes, volcanoes and such.
One thing I'd like to add here, is that I am aware that some earthquake and other natural events can adversely affect many people and their communities. So whatever I add to this blog is not for reasons of sensationalism or for satisfaction of confirmation of any 'feelings' I may have about events. I always am considerate and empathetic to/of the impact of such things.
Please feel free to send me links of interest or comment on my own content.
So, those of you who find my blog, I hope you enjoy visiting here.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2012 DA14 – Near Earth Asteroid February 15th 2013

"Meteor in Space" by Victor Habbick

The above link will take you to an article regarding the asteroid which will pass by our planet soon.

Earthquakes and volcanic activity 8th and 9th of January 2013

The activity surrounding the Mediterranean Sea/western Turkey, namely involving the Aegean Sea (the Aegean I didn’t specify) has been a focus of my ‘feelings’ in the last couple of days. I mentioned these general regions in my last post as being potential ‘areas’ for larger activity.  
There have been numerous tremors in the region of the Aegean Sea and some movement near Rhodes. If you imagine a line from eastern Turkey, sweeping down to Rhodes (regions), up and through to Aegean (waters wise), then along through southern Greece; through southern Italy to northern regions, and across to France and down to Spain – I have felt an ‘energy’ running through this uneven’ line’. A niggling possible predominant reason for this ‘energy’ may be volcanic activity.
Underwater volcanic vents have presented themselves below Turkey. A number of Italy’s volcanoes are showing renewed or increased ‘life’ and other volcanic related activity is being noted, along with plate/trench activity. And as I have been mentioning persistently in my recent/current posts, ‘water’ is becoming a regular feature (location) for many earthquakes.

I feel that the Myanmar, Indian Ocean and Nepalese earthquakes today are related. There may be other ‘movements’ in the Arabian Sea, near the Gulf of Aden and the Gulf of Oman. The Andaman Sea and the western coast of Sumatra may experience some movement too. This movement may also translate to near the western coast of Australia.
The Alaskan (including the Aleutians) may continue to show some considerable movement through January.
The west coast of America may experience a larger movement too. This may be off the coast of Washington/border with Canada; or west of Eureka or San Francisco. Baja, California may also experience another larger movement too.

I am still being drawn to the region in Russia, near the lake/large waterway, east of Irkutsk (which is above the north/central Mongolian border with Russia).

This post is in addition to the post prior to this.  
All of the above is only my non-scientific opinion/feeling and is obviously open to correction by those with the understanding of the earth sciences I don’t pertain.

Peace to all.

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