
In creating this blog, I hope to share with other like-minded people my interest in observing and intuiting earth changes, such as earthquakes and other natural activity, before they may occur.
Instead of using the words prophecy, prediction and/or pre-empting, I tend to use the word ‘feeling’ or ‘feelings’ to describe the inklings I get regarding potential earthquakes and other earthly events.
Since I was a small child my intuition and feelings prior to numerous earthly ‘events’ were confirmed as time passed. Now, I am not always correct. I am no great wise one with infinite abilities to foresee events.
I hope to post interesting links, Youtube videos and my own observations/feelings regarding earthquakes, volcanoes and such.
One thing I'd like to add here, is that I am aware that some earthquake and other natural events can adversely affect many people and their communities. So whatever I add to this blog is not for reasons of sensationalism or for satisfaction of confirmation of any 'feelings' I may have about events. I always am considerate and empathetic to/of the impact of such things.
Please feel free to send me links of interest or comment on my own content.
So, those of you who find my blog, I hope you enjoy visiting here.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 29th - next 72 hours

August 29th – next 72 hours – from midday Melbourne, Australia time.
Some of the notes below are repeats of the previous post. I still have some feelings that the M’s mentioned may occur.

North America
I am going to repost a paragraph from a previous post, regarding the US inland states, as I feel this is still very relevant for the next (and past) 72 hour period. My feelings regarding the ‘travelling’ of tremor activity along the “L” I have discussed below is beginning to become particularly more of a happening ‘thing’.
“If you imagine an ‘L’ shape, from Washington/Montana, down to Utah/Arizona – then east across and including states such as Colorado, Kansas/Oklahoma, Missouri/Arkansas, Kentucky/Tennessee/Mississippi through to Virginia – there seems to be occurrences of M1’s, M2’s and the occasional M3. This pattern will probably continue – with the M’s popping up in these states sporadically”.

The regions surrounding California including the (northern) Gulf of California have been experiencing considerable elevation in the amount and size of tremors/quakes in the last 48 hours or so. The larger ones, M4’s, which have and are occurring, may unfortunately continue sporadically. There will continue to be more M1’s, M2’s, M3’s (+’s too).
The Gulf of California’s (into Mexico) substantial quake may be indicative of this serious movement ‘travelling’ down the Gulf regions. Therefore, there may be more sizable quakes to come for this region, unfortunately.
Just as with the residents of Christchurch, New Zealand, some time ago who experienced devastating quakes and thousands of related tremors, the residents of the California regions must be wondering when the ground is going to stop rattling. This scenario can leave you feeling very unnerved, as my friends in Christchurch have told me.

Along the west coast of the US, I feel that we may see another M3+ off the coast of Washington (near the border with Vancouver).
Just south of Eureka; and near San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, may feel movement of an M2+ and/or an M3++ nature on or near the coast. 

Central America
Mexico offshore Guadalajara, there may be an m3+.
Between Guatemala/El Salvador/Nicaragua, there may be an M3+.
The Gulf of California may continue to experience some M2+’s and possibly another more sizable quakes of M3++.

Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico region may feel an M2 and maybe an M3+.

South America
Antofagasta and Santiago (Chile), Peru/Ecuador, western Bolivia – may experience M2+’s and/or M3++’s.
I’m getting a ‘sticking’ feeling for Colombia for an M3++ again.

The Yukon may see another M2 and maybe an M2+. Maybe, also near the border of the North Western Territories and Yukon for an M2 (+?).
Off the coast of British Columbia may feel an M3+. Vancouver may feel an M2 or M3.
Calgary is still being drawn to me for an M2.

Pacific islands –
The Solomon’s, PNG, Vanuatu, (Mariana/Guam), Samoa, Fiji and Tonga may experience more M3+’s.
Santa Cruz islands may feel an M3 (+?).
South east of Guam – Micronesia islands may see some movement.

Tahiti/Pitcairn/Easter Islands regions – not a strong feeling for an M2+.

New Zealand
South Island – perhaps an M3 in both the north and south of the island. There could be a mild possibility of an M3+ south of the South Island, at sea.
North Island – may again experience an M3+ NE of the island; maybe also east of Wellington. South of Auckland, inland, may feel an M3, but this is not a strong feeling at the moment. (repeat of last post)
Kermadec islands may show up with some more movement of M3+.

I am going to post a link here to the Australian Geoscience website, for you to look at all the current August tremors felt around Australia. The list is quite long and will take up too much space here to list. The regions I have speculated on have been experiencing a few tremors.

Indonesia(repeat of last post)
The south/west and west side of Sumatra may again experience an M3+(+?).
The Cocos Islands region may be a surprise M3+??
Salawesi and the Banda Sea (including the Moluccas islands) regions may experience M3+’s.
The Celebes Sea is drawing me to it just slightly for an M3+.
A line from the Sulu Sea through to the Timor Sea is sticking with me a little for a potential M3+.
Halmahera (Moluccas) maybe another M3+

The large and consistant quakes being felt/experienced by the Philippines has confirmed the 'grinding' feeling I was getting regarding this region.
In the Indonesian post above (which is relative to the Philippines post below) , I mentioned a 'line' from the Sulu Sea region - throught to the Timor Seas. The feeling I had here was, if you could imagine 'grinding' the palms of your hands together in a semi-'slip' motion, with alot of pressure (like when you rub your hands together to get them warm), stop, then start the motion a few times (like releasing energy/catches) - then that is an obscure and probably a weird sounding way of describing the feelings I had about this region. For me, it definitely (and unfortunately) felt like a tectonic 'hot-spot' (tension for release) in the time-frame of this post.

North and south maybe an M3+

May experience an m3+ and maybe north east of Taiwan towards Naha Island.

Japan and Islands–
Maybe east of Tokyo, an M3+? And north/east of northern Japan.
Kuril Islands and far west of the Kurils maybe an M3+

Alaska and the Aleutian islands –
Alaska, mainland, will continue to rumble with M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3+. M1+’s may continue to track north inland.
Central Alaska may feel another M2++.
The northern region of the Gulf of Alaska may experience an m3+.

Western Russia, far east and central south (near border with China) may experience an M3’ish.
Kamchatka may see another M3+.
The Sea of Okhotsk may see an M3+.

Will continue to experience M1’s and M2’s. Another M3 (+?) may be felt.

An M3+ may pop up in the far west, south west, north west and east/south/east.

Tibet/Nepal –
Mild feeling of an M3+

Myanmar/Thailand –

May experience an M3++.

Maybe southern and/or northern Pakistan (border with India?) and north with the border of Afghanistan – M3’ish

North western and southern region may see an M3+, maybe the Iran/Iraq border too.
Iran/Turkmenistan border? M3+

Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan border may see an m2+ (+?).

Will continue to rumble with M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3 (maybe +)

May experience another M3

Poland - an M2+?

Denmark/Norway/Finland/Sweden M1?, M2, M1 and M2 (+?) respectively

United Kingdom/Ireland M1+?

Iceland/Jan Mayen Islands regions – maybe an m3+

Ukraine/Belarus – M2 (+?)

Southern Greece may be visited by an M3+ and the odd m2. The Mediterranean and Ionian Sea and/or Aegean Sea may see another M3 (+?)

May feel another M2+ and maybe another M3++.

Spain and Portugal may feel an M2+ and M3+ respectively. 

North and South Atlantic may see an m3++.

Pacific Seas a south Pacific ridge m3++

Southern Ocean – maybe well below South America and/or south/east of new Zealand – not strong feeling atm.

Arctic Ocean – east of Greenland?

Indian Ocean ridge/trench may surprise with an M3+

Greenland Sea
Only a mild feeling for this region for an m3+

Sandwich Islands
May feel an M3.

Bulgaria/Serbia/Bosnia and Herzegovina –
Possibly an M3 (+?), M1+ and M2++ respectively.

France/Germanymaybe M1+’s

India - ? border with Nepal, an m3?

Africa – north/east of Ethiopia,
North of Morocco,
Near the Gulf of Adenmaybe an M3 (+?)
North of Libya maybe an M2+
North east of Tunisia M3?
South west of Guinea M3?

Saudi Arabia/Yemen/Oman – maybe south of Yemen, north/west of Saudi Arabia (and maybe south/east, maybe east of Oman.

Slovakia/Hungary/Austria/Czech Republic –?, M1, M2, M2 - respectively 

This is another substantial list again, and I have probably left out a couple of regions.
Again, these M’s are only feelings and not predictions. So, I may be quite wrong with some of them and some may not occur at all.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 26th 2012 – next 72 hours

August 26th 2012 – next 72 hours – from midday Melbourne (Australia) time.

North America
The regions surrounding California including the Gulf of California have been experiencing some elevation in the amount of tremors/quakes in the last 48 hours or so. The larger ones, M4’s, which occurred – I unfortunately was strongly feeling this was going to happen.
The quakes and tremors being experienced by the southern California region have confirmed the persistant strong feelings I had/have regarding this region. This must be very unnerving for the communities and I feel that the tremors will continue, with the potential of some more M3++'s to visit this area.

Off the coast of Washington, near the border of Canada (Vancouver) may experience another M3+. Washington may feel the odd M1’s, M2’s (+?).

Some of the inland US states, such as Tennessee, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Kansas, Arizona, Texas, Missouri  – and maybe even New York (or surrounds) may feel M1’s, M2’s and a surprise M3 (+?) in one of the western states of the one’s I have mentioned here.

San Francisco, near Eureka – off shore, is sticking with me a little for an M3+ (+?)
South of San Francisco and north of Los Angeles (off-shore) may feel an M3+.

I still have a mild feeling about Florida, maybe partially towards Cuba.

Heading into Mexico/Gulf of California, there may be more M2+’s (maybe another M3++) in this region.

Offshore Guadalajara, there may be an m3+.
Between Guatemala/Nicaragua, there may be an M3+.
Major earthquakes have occured between Guatemala/Nicaragua (off shore El Salvador). A buoy nearby is registering changes in the water levels, but no official tsunami warning has been confirmed at the time of typing this note.
Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico region may feel an M2 and maybe an M3+.

South America
Antofagasta and Santiago (Chile) (and well south of again), Peru/Ecuador, western Bolivia – may experience M2+’s and/or M3++’s.
I’m getting a ‘sticking’ feeling for Colombia for an M3++.

The Yukon may see another M2 and maybe an M2+. Off the coast of British Columbia may feel an M3+. Vancouver may feel an M2 or M3.
Calgary is being drawn to me for an M2.

Pacific islands –
The Solomon’s, PNG (eastern and north west), Vanuatu, Mariana/Guam, Samoa, Fiji and Tonga may experience more M3+’s.
Santa Cruz islands may feel an M3 (+?).
South east of Guam – Micronesia islands may see some movement.

Tahiti/Pitcairn/Easter Islands regions – not a strong feeling for an M2+. 

New Zealand
South Island – perhaps an M3 in both the north and south of the island. There could be a mild possibility of an M3+ south of the South Island, at sea.
North Island – may again experience an M3+ NE of the island; maybe also east of Wellington. South of Auckland, inland, may feel an M3, but this is not a strong feeling at the moment. (repeat of last post)
Kermadec islands may show up with some more movement of M3+.

Canberra; south east of NSW (off coast); SE Victoria; Bass Strait; south of Adelaide (at sea) and North West of Western Australia (well south of Denpasar (Bali) are sticking a bit with me for potential M2’s and an M3+ (for NW of WA).
These movements have not occurred yet, But, I am going to leave them in this post. Still got a mild feeling that they may occur.
Apparently near Tibooburra, north western NSW, there was an M2.9 in the last 24 hours. This has not shown up on the "Live Earthquakes" feed, as it is yet to be finalized.
Another tremor was recorded in South Australia - M1.9 in Mundoora, north of Adelaide on the 24th August 2012.
Also - on 21st August - M2.7 - Crookwell, NSW
         - on 23rd August - M1.9 - Boorowa, NSW. 
26th and 27th of August - south/west of Western Australia (near Koorda) - 3 lots of M2's and an M2.5 respectively..

Indonesia(repeat of last post)
The south/west and west side of Sumatra may again experience an M3+(+?).
The Cocos Islands region may be a surprise M3+??
Salawesi and the Banda Sea (including the Moluccas islands) regions may experience M3+’s.
The Celebes Sea is drawing me to it just slightly for an M3+.
A line from the Sulu Sea through to the Timor Sea is sticking with me a little for a potential M3+.
Bandung region (west of Java) may see an M3+.

As above (re:Sulu Sea down) and Halmahera (Moluccas)

May experience an m3+ and maybe north east of Taiwan, near Naha Island.

Japan and Islands–
Maybe east of Tokyo, an M3+? And north/east of northern Japan.
Kuril Islands, towards the lower tip of Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia), may experience an M4+

Alaska and the Aleutian islands –
Alaska, mainland, will continue to rumble with M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3+. M1+’s may continue to track inland (northish). Central Alaska may feel another M2++.
The northern region of the Gulf of Alaska may experience an m3+.
This note was added after the M4+ occurred along the Aleutian Peninsula. I meant to paste, from my notes earlier, that I felt the Aleutians were going to also be experiencing M2's, M3's and perhaps an M3++ -  believe it or nay ;)  Regular movement along the Aleutians is unfortunately quite predictable at the moment, this region sits above where the two plates meet and have been active.

Western Russia, far east and central south may experience an M3’ish.
Kamchatka (as mentioned above) may see another M3+.

Will continue to experience M1’s and M2’s. Another M3 (+?) may be felt.

An M3+ may pop up in the far west, south west, north west and east/south/east.

Tibet/Nepal – mild feeling of an M3+

Myanmar/Thailand – ?

May experience an M3++.

Maybe southern Pakistan (border with India?) and north with the border of Afghanistan – M3’ish

North western and southern region may see an M3+, maybe the Iran/Iraq border too.

Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan border may see an m2+ (+?).

Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan – not sure at this stage

Will continue to rumble with M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3 (maybe +)

May experience another M3

Poland an M2?

Denmark/Norway/Finland/Sweden – M1?, M2, M1 and M2 (+?) respectively

United Kingdom/Ireland – Not sure at this stage

Iceland/Jan Mayen Islands regions – maybe an m3+

Ukraine/Belarus – not sure at this stage

Southern Greece may be visited by an M3+ and the odd m2. The Mediterranean Sea may see another M3 (+?)

May feel another M2+ and maybe an M3+.

Spain and Portugal may feel an M2+ and M3+ respectively. 

North and South Atlantic may see an m3+.

Pacific SeasSouth Pacific ridge m3+

Southern Ocean – maybe well below South America – not strong feeling atm.

Arctic Ocean – east of Greenland?

Indian Ocean ridge/trench may surprise with an M3+

Greenland Sea
Only a mild feeling for this region for an m3+

Sandwich Islands
May feel an M3.

Serbia/Bulgaria –
Possibly an M3 (+?)

France/Germany – maybe M1+’s

India - ? border with Nepal, an m3?

Africa – north/east of Ethiopia, north of Morocco, near the Gulf of Adenmaybe an M3 (+?)

Saudi Arabia/Yemen/Oman – maybe south of Yemen, north/west of Saudi Arabia (and maybe south/east, maybe east of Oman.

Slovakia/Hungary/Austria/Czech Republic –?, M1, M2, M2 - respectively 

This is a more substantial list again, and I have probably left out a couple of regions.
Again, these M’s are only feelings and not predictions. So, I may be quite wrong with some of them and some may not occur at all.
I have changed these posts to 72 hour (period) posts, as I have had lesser time lately to complete posts for 48 hour periods.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23rd 2012 - next 48 hours

This post was written at 8.45pm on the 23rd August and is for the next 48'ish hour period till midnight on 25th August 2012.

North America
The regions surrounding California, along the coast and the mountain ranges (Yosemite National Park and Death Valley) running ‘parallel’ with the coast, inland, have been experiencing M1’s, M2’s in various places. M1’s and the odd M2 will continue to pop up along these regions. All of this must be rather unnerving for those living in the California areas.
If you imagine an ‘L’ shape, from Washington/Montana, down to Utah/Arizona – then east across and including states such as Colorado, Kansas/Oklahoma, Missouri/Arkansas, Kentucky/Tennessee/Mississippi through to Virginia – there seems to be occurrences of M1’s, M2’s and the occasional M3. This pattern will probably continue – with the M’s popping up in these states sporadically.
I still have a mild feeling about Florida, maybe partially towards Cuba.

Heading into Mexico/Gulf of California, there may be more M2+’s in this region.

Between Guadalajara and Mexico City, there may be an m3+.
Between Guatemala and Costa Rica, there may be an M3+.
Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico region may feel an M3+.
South America
Antofagasta and Santiago (Chile) (and well south of), Peru/Ecuador, western Bolivia – may experience M2+’s and/or M3++’s.
I’m getting a renewed feeling for Colombia for an M3++.

Pacific islands –
The Solomon’s, Bismarck Sea region (PNG), Vanuatu, Mariana/Guam, Fiji and Tonga may experience more M3+’s.

New Zealand
South Island – perhaps an M3 in both the north and south of the island. There could be a mild possibility of an M3+ south of the South Island, at sea.
North Island – may again experience an M3+ NE of the island; maybe also east of Wellington. South of Auckland, inland, may feel an M3, but this is not a strong feeling at the moment.

Canberra; south east of NSW (off coast); SE Victoria; Bass Strait; south of Adelaide (at sea) and North West of Western Australia (well south of Denpasar (Bali) are sticking a bit with me for potential M2’s and an M3+ (for NW of WA).

The south/west side of Sumatra may again experience an M3++.
The Java Sea region may see an M3+.
The Cocos Islands region may be a surprise M3+??
Salawesi and the Banda Sea (including the Moluccas islands) regions may experience M3+’s.
The Celebes Sea is drawing me to it just slightly for an M3+.

East may experience an M3+

May experience an m3+ and maybe north east of Taiwan, near Naha Island.

Maybe east of Tokyo, an M3+? And north/east of northern Japan.
Kuril Islands, towards the lower tip of Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia), may experience an M4+

Alaska and the Aleutian islands –
Alaska, mainland, will continue to rumble with M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3. M1+’s may continue to track inland (northish). Central Alaska may feel another M2++.
The northern region of the Gulf of Alaska may experience an m3+.

Western Russia and central south may experience an M3’ish.
Kamchatka (as mentioned above) may see another M3+.

Will continue to experience M1’s and M2’s. Another M3 (+?) may be felt.

Has been thankfully ‘quiet’ so far. Though an M3+ may pop up in the far west and south west.

May experience an M3++.

Maybe southern Pakistan and north with the border of Afghanistan – M3’ish

North western region may see an M3+ (near the Caspian Sea).
Maybe the Iran/Iraq border too.

Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan border may see an m2+ (+?).

Will continue to rumble with M1’s, M2’s and the odd M3 (maybe +)

May experience another M3
Serbia/Bulgaria –
Possibly an M3 (+?)

Poland an M2?

Southern Greece may be visited by an M3+ and the odd m2. The Mediterranean Sea may see another M3 (+?)

May feel another M2+ and maybe an M3+.

Spain and Portugal may feel an M2+ and M3+ respectively.  (Canary Islands?)

North and South Atlantic may see an m3+.

Indian Ocean ridge/trench may surprise with an M3+

Greenland Sea
Only a mild feeling for this region for an m3+

Sandwich Islands
May feel an M3.

Easter Island
Is still ‘sticking’ with me a bit for an m3+.

The Yukon may see another M2 and maybe an M2+. Off the coast of British Columbia may feel an M3+.

This is a substantial list again, and I have probably left out a couple of regions. My ‘radar’ has been a bit off today and yesterday, due to an anaesthetic for dental work :)
Again, these M’s are only feelings and not predictions. So, I may be quite wrong with some of them and some may not occur at all.